Pressure-dependent shear modulus of polycrystalline Al studied by
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Complete set of elastic and piezoelectric coefficients of a-quartz at
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Low-temperature acoustic properties and quasiharmonic analysis for
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Irradiation-induced formation of single-variant nanocrystals in an
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ほか、論文22件 (2008.4)
論文 Effects of oxygen-vacancies in high-temprature cuprate superconductors
論文 Dynamical Cluster Approximation in Disordered System with Magnetic Impurities
論文 Impurity induced Tc reduction in high-temperature superconductors
論文 Magnetic properties in the high-temperature cuprate
superconductors with nonmagnetic superconductors (2003.8)
Effects of Oxygen Vacancies on the Electronic States in Copper
Oxides (2002.9)