
in print
- Atomistic Studies on High- Temperature Elasticity and Auxetic Behavior
in SiO2 Polymorphs,
Hajime Kimizuka, Shigenobu Ogata, and Yoji Shibutani,
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, in print
- Molecular Orbital Study of Interfacial Strength between Silica Cluster and
Polyimide Surface,
Akinori Fujinami, Shigenobu Ogata, Yoji Shibutani, K.Yamamoto, and M.Kakino, 
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, in print.
- Molecular Orbital Study on Adsorption Process of Silica Cluster on Polyimide
Akinori Fujinami, Shigenobu Ogata, Yoji Shibutani, and K. Yamamoto, 
Materials Science Forum, in print.
- Molecular Dynamics Modeling of a Crack in a Single Crystal of α - and
β - Silicon Nitride,
Naoto Hirosaki, Shigenobu Ogata, Cenk Kocer, and Hiroshi Kitagawa,
Materials Sci
- Energy Landscape of Deformation Twinning in BCC and FCC metals,
Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li, and Sidney Yip,
Physical Review B, 71-22(2005), 224102.
- Ab-initio Characterization of the Mechanical and Electronic Properties of beta-SiAlON,
Naoto Hirosaki, Cenk Kocer, and Shigenobu Ogata,
Physical Review B, 71-10(2005),104105.
- Dislocation emissions and formation of prismatic dislocation loops of single crystalline aluminum under nanoindentation (Molecular dynamics simulation),
Yoji Shibutani,Tomohito Tsuru,
Japanese Journal of JSMS,70-695A,947-952(July,2004)
- An Ab-initio study of Si3N4 Single Crystal Polymorphs,
Cenk Kocer, Naoto Hirosaki, and Shigenobu Ogata,
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 29-8(2004), 3711-3714.
- Ab-initio Study of the Tensile Behavior of Single Polyimide Molecular Chain,
Akinori Fujinami, Shigenobu Ogata, and Yoji Shibutani,
Polymer, 45-11(2004), 9023-9028.
- Twinning Pathway in BCC Molybdenum,
Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li, and Sidney Yip,
Europhysics Letters, 68-3(2004), 405-411.
- Ideal Shear Strain of Metals and Ceramics,
Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li, Naoto Hirosaki, Yoji Shibutani, and Sidney Yip,
Physical Review B, 70-10(2004), 104104.
- Analysis of Shear Deformations in Al and Cu: Empirical Potentials vs. Density Functional Theory,
Robert D. Boyer, Ju Li, Shigenobu Ogata, and Sidney Yip,
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,
12-5 (Jul 2004), 1017-1029.
- Formation of Prismatic Dislocation Loop of Single Crystalline Aluminum
under Nanoindentation
Tomohito Tsuru and Yoji Shibutani,
IUTAM Symposium on Mesoscopic Dynamics on Fracture Precess and Materials
Strength (eds. Hiroshi Kitagawa and Yoji Shibutani),
Kluwer Academic Pub., 213-222.
- Ab-initio Study of Ideal Shear Strength,
Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li, Yoji Shibutani, and Sidney Yip,
IUTAM Symposium on Mesoscopic Dynamics on Fracture Precess and Materials
Strength, (eds. Hiroshi Kitagawa and Yoji Shibutani),
Kluwer Academic Pub., 401-410.
- Mechanical Integrity of Carbon Nanotubes for Bending and Torsion,
Yoji Shibutani and Shigenobu Ogata,
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,
Vol.12, No.4, 599-610 (July 2004)
- Ab-initio Modeling of the Stress - Strain Response of SiAlON,
Cenk Kocer, Naoto Hirosaki, and Shigenobu Ogata,
Materials Transactions, JIM, Vol.45, No.5, 1469-1472 (May 2004)
- Electronic Structure of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Deformation,
Shigenobu Ogata and Yoji Shibutani,
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers A,
Vol.70, No.693, 678-693 (May 2004)
- Predictive Modeling of Nanoindentation-Induced Homogeneous Defect Nucleation in Copper,
Ting Zhu, Ju Li, Krystyn J. Van Vliet, Shigenobu Ogata, Sidney Yip, Subra Suresh
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol.52 No.3,
691-724 (2004)
- Surface roughness effects on the displacement bursts observed in nanoindentation
Yoji Shibutani and Atsuhiro Koyama
Journal of Materials Research Vol.19, No.1, 183-188 (Jan, 2004)
- A Comparative Ab initio Study of the 'Ideal' Strength of Single Crystal a- and b-Si3N4,
Shigenobu Ogata, Naoto Hirosaki, Cenk Kocer, and Yoji Shibutani,
Acta Materialia, 52, 233-238 (2004)

- Ideal tensile strength and band gap of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Shigenobu Ogata, Yoji Shibutani,
Physical Review B, Vol.68, 165409 (2003)
(selected for the November 3, 2003 issue (Vol.8, No.18 (2003) ) of Virtual
Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)
- An ab initio study of the ideal tensile and shear strength of single-crystal
Shigenobu Ogata, Naoto Hirosaki, Cenk Kocer, Yoji Shibutani
Journal of Materials Research, Vol.18, No.5, 1168-1172, (May 2003)
- Ab initio calculation of the ideal tensile and shear strength of cubic silicon
Cenk Kocer, Naoto Hirosaki, Shigenobu Ogata
Physical Review B, Vol.67, 035210 (2003)
- Ab initio calculation of the crystal structure of the lanthanide Ln2O3 sesquioxides
Naoto Hirosaki, Shigenobu Ogata, Cenk Kocer
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 351, 31-34 (2003)
- Ideal pure shear strength of aluminum and copper
Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li, Sidney Yip
Science, Vol.298 No.5594 807-811 (Oct 2002)
- News for This Article:
・Scientific American 10/25/02
"Computer Simulations Showcase Aluminum's Odd Behavior" by Sarah Graham.
・Small Times 10/25/02
"Aluminum Shows Strange Behaviors, with Implications for Nanotech".
・Materials Today Jan 2003
Research News "Surprising behavior in aluminum".
・JOM Jan 2003
News & Update.
・MRS Bulletin Jan 2003,
"Simulation Indicate Aluminum Has a Higher Ideal Shear Strength than Copper" by Siari S. Sosa.
・Annual Report of Osaka University 2002-2003, 10 Papers selections.
- The ideal thermal conductivity of single crystal a- and b- Si3N4
Naoto Hirosaki, Shigenobu Ogata, Cenk Kocer, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Y.Nakamura
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 27-2 309-312 (2002)
- Molecular dynamics calculation of the ideal thermal conductivity of
single-crystal a- and b-Si3N4
Naoto Hirosaki, Shigenobu Ogata, Cenk Kocer, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Y.Nakamura
Physical Review B, Vol.65 134110 (2002)
- Molecular dynamics simulation of shearing deformation process of silicon nitride
single crystal
Shigenobu Ogata, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Naoto Hirosaki, Y.Hatanaka, T.Umezu
Computational Materials Science, 23 146-154 (2002)
- An ab initio calculation of the ideal tensile strength of b-silicon nitride
Shigenobu Ogata, Naoto Hirosaki, Cenk Kocer, Hiroshi Kitagawa
Physical Review B, Vol.64 172102 (2001)
- Estimation of deformation behavior of TRIP steels - smooth/ringed-notched specimens under monotonic and cyclic loading
Yoshihiro Tomita, Yoji Shibutani
International Journal of Plasticity Vol.16 769-789 (2000)
- Atomic-Level Description of Material Strength of a-Fe
Yoji Shibutani, Genrich L. Krasko, Mojmir Sob and Sidney Yip
Hierarchical Estimations of Materials Strength Vol.5 No.4 225-233 (Dec 1999)
- Mesoscopic Dynamics on Dislocation Patterning in Fatigued Material by Cellular Automata
Yoji Shibutani
Hierarchical Estimations of Materials Strength Vol.5 No.4 258-263 (Dec 1999)
- Estimation and Prediction of Local Strain-Induced Martensitic Transformation
Yoshihiro Tomita,Yoji Shibutani
ARCH.MECH., 51, 6 865-884 (WARSZAWA, 1999)
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